
Chronicle of the process of moving from USA to Mexico

Monday, April 05, 2004

Alas, tonight is my last night here in Merida and I am in the process once again of saying my goodbyes to the city. It is with mixed emotion that I prepare to board the 9:05 am flight tommorrow morning. I look forward to sleeping in the familiar place and being with the familiar companions. I will also miss the city because I feel very much at home here.

There have been two big rain storms here over the last few days. They only last perhaps 30 to 45 minutes but manage to flood the streets and kill the power in some areas. My friend Enrique indicated that the power was out for more than 24 hours in Colonia Chiburna after the rain a few nights ago.

Went to the movie theater last night with Enrique, Gustavo and Julian. The theater was in a shopping mall not so different than in the states. The cost of the movie that is still currently showing in the states is about half what it would be back there. I understand that there are also movie theaters where there are sections that have barcalounger chairs and serve drinks and food to your seat with the cost being about the same as a regular seat in the states.

I have chased the elusive place to call home for most of my trip. Sometimes it feels like a lot of work walking long distances and taking busses in the hot weather. I thought I might have a chance to go for a swim at some point, but alas that did not happen. Just gotta call from Bud who is at the zocalo am meeting him for dinner. Gotta go.

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