
Chronicle of the process of moving from USA to Mexico

Thursday, June 05, 2008

I've lost track of the number of weeks that I have been coming to Los Angeles to work. No longer am I able to work at home on Mondays and thus I am typically out the door on Mondays at 4:50am and I get home again around 10:15pm on Friday evening. It has been something like 10 to 12 weeks straight now.

Over the Memorial Day weekend I got to sleep in my own bed for 4 nights straight which was a very nice treat.

On Tuesday's I go to meetings for half the day and get fed breakfast and sometimes lunch. Sometimes there is field work that needs to be done such as inspecting installation work and identifying major screwups in the project. The rest of the time I sit in the broken chair in the congested office and send emails in an effort to bully people into doing things that they would rather not do (and probably wouldn't unless someone were hassling them).

Every once in a while there is an interesting technical problem to address.

When I leave the office in the late afternoon or early evening, I usually drive the 2 miles to the hotel and park the car for the evening and then go walk around within a several block area of the Holiday Inn in San Pedro where I always stay.

I've not been willing to tackle the rush hour traffic in the LA area to go anywhere very interesting after work. After getting something to eat and walking around a bit, its back to the hotel to surf the net for awhile and maybe send a few annoying emails to my business associates and then its off to bed for the night.

I miss being able to see Stan, walk the Mdog (and give her biscuits) and being able to tinker with small projects like the touch screen interface audio/visual remote control software that I had been fooling around with before the constant travel began. Being able to mow the lawn or work on setting up an automated sprinkler/drip watering system would seem like good fun to me right now.

I received an email from one of my coworkers yesterday who advised that his position had been eliminated. Some guys have all the luck.

The photograph below is of the pedestrian bridge about a block from my hotel.

Back to San Pedro soon

I will be heading for home tomorrow afternoon after going to the plan check meeting, writing the weekly status report and updating the neccessary spreadsheets. Over the weekend I will do my expense report and timecard, go to the gym, do the laundry, catch up on some sleep, take a spin on the motorbike and have a few much appreciated home cooked meals and maybe watch a movie on the big screen.

Come Monday morning I will be complying with the instructions on the pedestrian bridge. I'm not sure how much longer this will continue or how it will end.


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